Sunday, September 30, 2012

One State Down!

Tuesday June 8, 2010
Camp 38: Chama Trails Inn
Camp 39: First Colorado camp!

We are camped directly on the trail tonight as we are walking through a section that is closed for logging due to beetle infestation.  There are trees down everywhere and hundreds of snags all around us.  It was tough finding a camping spot without a widow-maker looming above us so we settled for a place right on the trail.  Let’s see, yesterday we crossed over into Colorado!!!  It is very exciting to have hiked an entire state already.  We spent the morning listing our New Mexico favorites as we walked.  We made it to Cumbres Pass which is in Colorado but then we hitched back into Chama, New Mexico to resupply.  Chama is an old divided town, one end is very cute and historic and somewhat touristy with the old railroad running through.  There are several shops, an old saloon, a few hotels and very friendly locals.  The other end of town was right by the Interstate and the people were actually kind of rude.  We didn’t figure this out until too late when we had booked an expensive room across the street from a grocery store.  Our stay was strange and Eric caught a peeping Tom staring into our room from the alley…yuck.  On our way back to Cumbres Pass a lady drove us a mile to the “better” end of town but she had to get back to work and couldn’t take us any farther- funniest and shortest hitch ever!  We sat in Fosters Saloon and had a couple brews and then a stranger bought us a round.  We played pool, listened to the jukebox and then, in a bit of a fog, decided to make our way back to the trail.  After what felt like an eternity, a couple picked us up in their Jeep.  They were awesome, taking us back to the pass even though they weren’t heading that way.  We hopped out with a thank you, grateful for the generosity.  We hiked on and looked up to see a huge bear heading toward us on the trail.  She was grazing along and didn’t even know we were there until we stood and watched her for a good bit.  Eventually we yelled, “hey bear” and she looked up, startled, and bolted in the other direction.  We are definitely in a new state as the snow fields lay before us and the mountain streams are not in short supply.  Our view tonight is amazing and we had yet another awesome sunset and a lightning show!

hi: hanging out at the saloon, enjoying good beer and listening to Hey Jude with my love
lo: hmmm….not really

hi: great morning
lo: the state of the trail that we are on

New Mexico Favorites:

Breakfast: Pie Town apple pancakes and sausage with huevos rancheros in Deming being a close second

Lunch: Ella’s Café in Reserve

Dinner: steak and burger in Reserve

Dessert: Coconut Cream Pie in Pie Town

Camping Spot: sleeping out under the stars at City of Rocks State Park

Hitch:  Toughie in Reserve and Alice in the Gila (Silver City)

Funniest Hitch:  the 1 mile hitch in Chama

Towns: Reserve, Cuba and Pie Town

Highlights:  Gila Wilderness, lots of wildlife sightings, the diversity of the state, the kind people and our crazy off trail adventures!

Wildlife: A Wolf and Javelina

Best cold and much needed drink:  Ice cold Coke at Rockhound State Park

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